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Template:Infobox titans Many cultures all over the world have stories about water-spirits like Enfluxion, who is made out of living water. Her name comes from the word "flux," which means "to flow."



Enfluxion has the abilty to control water and change her shape. She appears to be made of water. Her offensive attack is using her arms as water cannons. In addition, Enfluxion's defensive ability is strong enough to protect Sophie from Vulcana. Enfluxion also was able to defeat a Shadow Agent and, for a short period of time, distract a Conquistador. Enfluxion was given to Sophie by Teien Casterwill.

Design History

Rough Sketch

Having water-tentacles instead of arms makes this Titan look like she’s made of living water. Enfluxion’s picture needed to bring across the fact that she’s connected to water, controlling it even—all of her lines are curvy to represent the movement of waves and the natural flow of water. At this point, she looks a little bit like Lunar, a moon-themed Titan, so we asked the artist to make sure Enfluxion doesn’t look exactly like Lunar.

Pencil Sketch

If you compare this sketch to Lunar, you can see that while they look similar (they’re both Gaia-Titans, so that’s not too strange), there are three things that can help you tell these Titans apart. One, Lunar has hands while Enfluxion has water-tentacles. Two, Enfluxion has legs and feet, while Lunar’s legs stop at the knee. Three, Enfluxion’s watery shape is her actual body, while Lunar is actually a fairy-like creature surrounded by a human-shaped aura.

Final Art

There’s our girl! With the sunlight shining from behind her, you can see that Enfluxion is transparent with no fairy-creature inside, so this clearly is not Lunar. Also, this Titan is more of a blue-green and Lunar is more of a blue-purple-white, so the color difference is a big help. The overall effect is a liquid, bendy, water-themed Titan ready to lay the smack down on some bad guys.


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  • The name Enfluxion comes from the word “flux” which means “flow” or “change,” very appropriate words for a water-themed Titan.
  • Enfluxion and Undine are both based off of Undine, a water spirit that is one of the four elemental mythical creatures.
  • Enfluxion is the first Titan to appear in the trading card game before the show.