The Huntik Trading Card Game (TCG) is a two-player trading card game based upon the Huntik: Secrets & Seekers television series. The cards, which are collected randomly by players and assembled into 40-card decks, represent various Seekers, Titans, and spells from the world of Huntik. The game was published by Upper Deck Entertainment in Europe and the United States and launched on February 17, 2009.
TCG Sets[] |
Each player assembles a 40-card deck, containing Seekers, Titans, and actions such as spells from either the good factions (Huntik Foundation and Casterwill family) or evil factions (the Organization and Blood Spiral). Each player also may construct a Legendary Hero pile as a side deck to hold Legendary Heroes without counting towards the 40-card maximum.
One player (the "lead player") chooses a Mission card. A Mission card informs the players how to set up the Map (the game board), as well as the conditions of victory. Both players then take turns back and forth while proceeding through seven rounds.
The lead player seeks to complete the victory conditions of his or her Mission card, while his or her opponent (the "defending player") attempts to prevent this until the end of the seventh round. If the lead player completes the Mission within the time limit, he or she wins the game. If seven rounds elapse and the lead player hasn't won, the defending player is then the victor.
Once a hero card is played, it may either be moved around the map, use a special power, begin a fight, or go after a Mission goal. Upon using the card's allotted action per turn, the card is exhausted for the turn and turned sideways. Additionally, some card abilities are able to exhaust a hero, rendering the target unable to use its allotted action for the turn.
Zones on the Mission Map are separated into numbers (1 - 5), with 1 being the closest to a player and 5 being the farthest. The opponent's zones share the same spaces but are numbered in the reverse order. If a card is played that mentions a zone number, the zone number of the card's player is used. When the lead player is setting up a Mission, his or her zone numbers are used to place the Mission features.
TCG Terms[]
- ATK - Short for attack, the representation of a hero's combat prowess.
- DEF - Short for defense, the representation of a hero's protection level.
- KO - Short for knocked out, the state in which a hero is unusable in the game.
- Unblockable - A hero cannot be prevented from moving by an opponent's being in a zone.
- Forceful - Attacks a hero adds to a combat cannot be removed.
Card Rarity[]
There are different rarities of cards in the TCG, with some cards being much rarer than others. There are often certain identifiers that determine the rarity of a card. The ratio represents the chances of finding the specific rarity in a booster pack.
Rarity | Notes | Ratio |
Common | Standard card, no visual effects | 8:1 |
Rare | Holofoil artwork | 1:1 |
Mission/Feature | Card labelled Mission or Feature | 1:3 |
Super Rare | Holofoil artwork, ATK/DEF numbers, borders | 1:9 |
Ultra Rare | Holofoil entirety, embossed with Icons, Legendary Heroes | 1:21 |
Exclusive | Only available through tournaments/special purchases | N/A |
- Information on the game can be found at