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The Manual of Style outlines how to keep articles on the Huntik Wiki consistently and properly written. There may be cases in which these guidelines need to be overridden, but it is typically best to check with an active Admin before doing so. If there is anything to add, please bring it up on the talk page.

Page Layouts

Main article: Page Layouts

The structuring of articles and other pages is essential to the Huntik Wiki. A consistent layout through each type of page means not only that they are more visually appealing but also that enough information is presented. In addition to the main sections, an introduction should be included with some basic information.


Grammar is of the utmost importance to maintain a professional appearance and to ensure that information is presented in a clear and understandable manner. Not following standard American English conventions can make an article be unacceptable as Wiki material. As such, articles are to be divided into paragraphs which are composed of sentences. All sentences must begin with a capital letter, contain both a subject and predicate, and end with a proper punctuation; neither fragments nor run-on sentences are appropriate in articles. Not writing using at least an elementary-level of grammar is unacceptable.

The Professor was the cruel and devious founder of the Organization. He was motivated by the desire to heal himself of a curse from when he disturbed Araknos, the Legendary Titan of the Mind. the professor is leader of organization is bad to bone cursed araknos lgend ary titan mind
  • Does not follow standard grammar
  • Includes misspellings

Huntik Terminology

In additional to English grammar, several words and phrases related to the world of Huntik: Secrets & Seekers have their own capitalization rules. For instance, all spell and Titan names are always capitalized. All episode titles use the standard rules for capitalizing published works. A person's residence, such as Dante's house or Metz' country estate, should only have proper nouns, such as the owner's name, capitalized. An article adjective (the, a, an) in a person or faction's name should only be capitalized if it is the first letter of a sentence. A few specific examples include the following:

  • Amulet
  • Casterwill Family
  • Huntik Foundation
  • Lord Casterwill
  • Metz' country estate
  • Ring (subclass of Amulets)
  • the Blood Spiral or the Blood Spiral Brotherhood
  • the Foundation
  • the Organization
  • the Professor
  • Titan

The Huntik Foundation, also known as the Foundation, sought to prevent the Organization, led by the Professor, from using the Rings of the Legendary Titans to dominate the world. The Foundation operated from Dante's house. The Huntik Foundation, also known as The Foundation, sought to prevent The Organization, led by The Professor, from using the rings of the legendary titans to dominate the world. The Foundation operated from Dante's House.
  • The article 'the' should only be capitalized in episode titles.
  • Huntik-specific terms such as Rings and types of Titans should always be capitalized.
  • Only proper nouns in locations should be capitalized.


Proper American English punctuation should be used on all articles. Direct quotes should appear in quotations. The only exception to this is the quote at the beginning of episode pages, which are italicized. Episode titles should appear in quotes when referenced in an Infobox. In-article source citations should use the {{source|<episode source>}} template.

The gondolier yelled in a panic to DeFoe, "Help! Monsters, by the canal!" S1E01 In A Seeker is Born the gondolier yelled in a panic to DeFoe Help Monsters by the canal
  • Episodes mentioned within articles should always appear in quotes. Better yet, the {{source}} template can be used on in-universe articles.
  • When including a direct quote within an article, it must appear in quotes.
  • Commas and end punctuation are necessary to properly divide thoughts and ideas as well as to add fluidity.


Absolutely no speculation is to be included on articles. Several indicators that speculation may have been included on an article include the words may, might, perhaps, possibly, and so forth.

Dante used Copykind to use the abilities of Maelstrom and of Phoenix before his ashes were transported back to Earth by Umbra. Using Phoenix' ability, Dante returned to life. Dante used Copykind to use the abilities of Maelstrom and of Phoenix before his ashes were transported back to Earth by Umbra. Using Phoenix' ability, Dante returned to life. It is possible that Phoenix, Umbra, and Maelstrom may have been killed.
  • Nothing has been shown on-screen to indicate that the Amulet of either Phoenix or Maelstrom has been destroyed. If you have to use "may" or a similar indicator that of doubt, the whole statement either should be reworded or should be left out.
  • If a Titan's Amulet is destroyed, it simply cannot be invoked back to Earth aside from through the power of Powerbonding.


All articles are meant to be objective. Think of this as like being a historian. Users are asked to record events as they happen in the Huntik: Secrets & Seekers series. This means that not only is "fanon" (or fan-created information) not allowed but also that "fanboy" or "fangirl" responses are not appropriate for articles. While relationships between characters are explored, this is not the main intent of the Huntik Wiki.

Dante, sympathizing with Zhalia, embraced her as she stepped in from the rain. Zhalia stepped in from the rain. She looked in and saw Dante, their eyes locking. This could finally be the moment - they embraced. Omygosh, finally Dante!
  • There really is absolutely no reason why this should read like a romance novel.
  • Likewise, audience reaction is completely unnecessary on article pages. The Forum should be used for this purpose instead.


Articles on episodes, characters, and other in-universe items should be written from an in-universe perspective. Again, think like a historian while writing. If at all possible, episodes should be cited at the end of a sentence using the {{source|<reference source>}} template.

Next, we see Dante invoke Caliban to defeat the pursuing Suits. Next, Dante invoked Caliban to defeat the pursuing Suits.
  • Out-of-universe perspective
  • Except for episode and comic summaries, events generally should be written in past tense.

Another thing to consider is usage of first person and third person words (such as I and you). These points of view are to be avoided during articles. Just like a historian, the writers do not co-exist with the characters of the Huntik universe.

Dendras' ability allows it to control enemy Titans, giving its Seeker the upper hand. You can use Dendras Titans to control your enemies and gain the upper hand!
  • While the word "you" may colloquially be used as a gender-neutral, third-person pronoun, this usage is grammatically incorrect. Also, encyclopedias typically are not addressed to "you."
  • Typically, exclamation marks should be avoided in an encyclopedia. While they may be used a lot by toy and game franchises, exclamatory comments are anything but written in the style of an encyclopedia.


Plagiarism, or copying sections from another source word for word without giving credit to the original author, is unacceptable in every single case and is fully illegal. Simply copying an article and inserting synonyms will also be considered as being plagiarism. This is in contrast to citing a source. For example, the italicized portion quoted from an episode introduction is assumed to originate from that episode. Copying or quoting from Wikipedia under any circumstance is highly discouraged. Quoted material as well as general documentation should be cited with the {{source|<reference source>}} template.

Following a lead left by Lok's father, the Huntik team heads for the wide deserts of Ethiopia in order to find King Solomon's Mines. This time, the Professor decides to stop them himself; he uses his powers to force the natives to attack the Huntik team and take prisoner Zhalia and Otto, their valuable guide. Following a lead left by Lok's father, the Huntik team heads for the wide deserts of Ethiopia in order to find King Solomon's Mines. This time, the Professor decides to stop them himself; he uses his powers to force the natives to attack the Huntik team and take prisoner Zhalia and Otto, their valuable guide.
  • The quote used in the intro sections of episode articles should be italicized to indicate that it is quoted material.
  • In this case, the quote comes from the episode, "To Be Together."
Joan of Arc was an ancient Seeker who lived in France during the 1400s. Joan of Arc (ca. 1412 – 30 May 1431), nicknamed "The Maid of Orléans" , is a folk heroine of France and a Roman Catholic saint.
  • If at all possible, all referenced material should be properly re-written to avoid even a semblance of plagiarism.
  • Any researched material should be written from an in-universe perspective using proper Huntik: Secrets & Seekers terms and should describe how the character was portrayed in the series.
  • In this case, the quote comes from the Wikipedia article on Joan of Arc.