The Betrayer was an immensely powerful and evil Seeker who was responsible for inaugurating the Blood Spiral. Once the best friend of Lord Casterwill, he betrayed the former's sons and daughters by allying himself with Nullifiers with the intent to erase all life on Earth. For years, his spirit gave orders to Rassimov to be carried out by his chaotic followers, before finally resurrecting as a corpse in the build-up to his plan to once again attempt to activate the Spiral Mark and end all of civilization.

The Betrayer summons Void at the Spiral Mark on the longest night of the year
The man now known only as the Betrayer was once the best friend and a trusted ally of Lord Casterwill. After the 500-year war against the Nullifiers and Casterwill's subsequent death, the sons and daughters of Casterwill were betrayed. The Betrayer allied himself with the Nullifiers, using the Amulet of Void at the Spiral Mark as a part of a dark ritual, performed on the longest night of the year, to bring the Nullifiers back to Earth. S2E31 Using the Necklace of Tutankhamun created from glass found within a comet associated with Void's Amulet, the Betrayer sought to control the Nullifiers for his own agenda. S2E47 The Betrayer also created his own personal army, the Blood Spiral Brotherhood. S2E32 He was opposed by the Casterwills, and the Spiral Mark again was sealed while the Red Comet was visible in the sky. He henceforth became known in the Casterwill records simply as "the Betrayer" for these actions. S2E31
After death, the Betrayer's corpse remained on a throne in the Blood Spiral Base. S2E35. His spirit lived on, running the now weakened Blood Spiral through Rassimov. S2E38 During the confrontation between the Huntik Foundation and the Professor, the Betrayer disguised Demigorgan, the Legendary Titan of Betrayal, as Eathon Lambert's Holotome and had Rassimov plant it to be found by Lok Lambert. Through this "Holotome," the Betrayer was able to lead the Foundation to do his bidding. S2E51 S2E52
In preparation for his return, the Betrayer sent his army of Blood Spirals on missions. He had the Amulet of Void to be able to summon the Nullifiers yet again. S2E32 He sent an army of Silent Soldiers and Casterwill Hunters to eliminate the Casterwill family, a plan which failed. S2E40 He also sent Rassimov to recover the Necklace of Tutankhamun to be able to control the Nullifiers. S2E47 The Betrayer's final mission for the Blood Spiral, opening the Spiral Mark, was delivered by the spirit of the Betrayer, himself. S2E49

The Betrayer is finally defeated
With the activation of the Spiral Mark at the hand of Lok Lambert, the Betrayer used the power of Demigorgan to defeat multiple Foundation Titans, including Pendragon. He also used his Shadowlock spell to fully immobilize Harrison Fears, Lucas Casterwill, and Sandra Lambert. The Betrayer attempted to use this spell against Dante Vale, nearly claiming him as well. The Betrayer was finally defeated when Cherit blasted the Spiral Symbol on his back, which was then stabbed through with the Willblade. This marked an end to his ritual and his Shadowlock victims were released. Despite the Betrayer's defeat however, the Spiral Mark appeared to remain active with its light flickering like a heartbeat and visible as a beacon far across space. S2E52

As his title suggests, the Betrayer was the epitome of evil and deceit. His backstabbing nature manifested in his actions, attacking his enemies from behind and always using deception to trick his foes. His insane desire for chaos and destruction were his driving force in his attempts to call down the Nullifiers and wipe out civilization. S2E52 He was immensely calculating, having designed his plans eons before taking place, and would use anything to his advantage, including the death of Dante Vale, which he played to his advantage to weaken the spirits of the Huntik Foundation. He was revealed to have impersonated Eathon Lambert, exploiting Lok's faith and trust in his dad, and using his good intentions to sow the seeds for the end of the world. S2E51 As the best friend of Lord Casterwill, it can be assumed there were some good qualities in him at some point in the past, but all that remains is a monster. S2E50

The Betrayer and Demigorgan
The Betrayer is an exceedingly strong Seeker, having defeated Dante Vale in battle and nearly rendering him immobile with the Shadowlock spell. His overall usage of spells is extremely powerful, with his Shocklash spell is able to send Jericho back to his amulet instantly and briefly incapacitating Zhalia. He can also fly. S2E52
However, his one known weak spot is the mark of the Blood Spiral under his cloak, which allows him to revive but when targeted it can kill him for good. As the leader of the Blood Spiral Brotherhood, he may also have access to most of their spells. The Betrayer's personal and primary Titan is Demigorgan, The Legendary Titan of Betrayal. S2E52
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